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Episode 47
Episode 47 of 26
Penfold's chances of winning a 'Sidekickie' award are in peril when Stiletto attempts to snatch the prize. Meanwhile, Greenback plots to destroy the world with termites.
Chan eil c霉isean a' coimhead f脿bharach dha Pamaidh nuair a tha MacFhearghais a' str矛 gus an duais aige a ghoid. Tha Mac a' Chrogain an 矛mpis an saoghal a sgrios le seanganan, agus tha DM nas dealasaiche nan 脿bhaist.
Penfold's chances of winning a 'Sidekickie' award are in peril when Stiletto attempts to snatch the prize. Meanwhile, Greenback plots to destroy the world with termites and DM gets overly enthusiastic.
Last on
Fri 16 Aug 2019