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Tha Derek agus Calum san sti霉idio an t-seachdain sa. Derek and Calum are in the studio, while pupils from Lochaber Primary School attempt the schools' hopper challenge.
Le Derek agus Calum san sti霉idio, cluinnidh sinn bho Kelsey 脿 Leodhas mu na cur-seachadan aice agus bidh sgoilearan 脿 Bun-sgoil Gh脿idhlig Loch Abar a' feuchainn air d霉bhlan m貌r Puingean nam Boingean.
Derek and Calum are in the studio, Kelsey from Lewis talks about her favourite pastimes, and pupils from Lochaber Primary School attempt the schools' hopper challenge, Puingean nam Boingean.
Last on
Thu 7 Dec 2017