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Hangover Free Alcohol, Horse Marking, Sea Bass Population Levels

Peter White on the controversy surrounding the branding-- or "freeze marking"-- of horses at the insistence of the insurance companies.
More restrictions on the catching of wild sea bass with stocks in danger of collapse.
And the alcoholic drinks aiming to leave you with less of a hangover.

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45 minutes


  • Energy Drinks

    Over half of energy drinks contain more sugar than the maximum RDI for adults

    Duration: 06:02

  • Sea Bass Minister

    The EC's agreed new limits on the numbers of seabass that can be caught next year.

    Duration: 09:05

  • Horse Marking

    The RSPCA says it's concerned at the continued use of branding or marking of horses.

    Duration: 07:45

  • Best Gift

    We've been hearing stories of the best Christmas presents you've ever been given.

    Duration: 02:19

  • Mistaken Identity

    The last thing you need at Christmas - a debt collector demanding eleven thousand pounds.

    Duration: 04:31

  • Hangover Free Drinks

    Some companies are trying to develop alcoholic drinks that result in less of a hangover

    Duration: 08:44


  • Fri 15 Dec 2017 12:15



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