Alasdair Fraser is in Austria reporting on the impact the coalition between the People's Party and the right-wing Freedom party is having on the country.
Air 贰貌谤辫补 na seachdain-sa, tha Alasdair Friseal anns An Ostair ag aithris air a' bhuaidh a tha co-bhanntachd eadar P脿rtaidh an t-Sluaigh agus P脿rtaidh na Saorsa, a tha gu m貌r chun a' l脿imh dheis, a' toirt air an d霉thaich, agus tha Derek MacAoidh anns a' Ghr猫ig far an deach lagh 霉r aontachadh a' toirt ch貌irichean a bharrachd do dhaoine a dh' iarradh an gn猫 atharrachadh.
Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. In this week's programme, Alasdair Fraser is in Austria reporting on the impact the coalition between the People's Party and the right-wing Freedom party is having on the country. And Derek MacKay is in Greece, where a new law has been agreed for those wishing to change their gender.