Tha b脿taichean cudromach do mhuinntir nan eilean. FilmG short contemplating the strong connection between people and boats on the islands of the Gaidhealtachd.
Bha b脿taichean a-riamh gl猫 chudromach ann an cultar eileanan na G脿idhealtachd. Tha tiotail an fhilm a' tighinn bho 貌ran-gaoil mu 'nighinn duibh' a tha ann an d脿-r矛ribh na b脿ta-si霉il agus 's e seo aon sgeul mu bh脿ta a chaidh air na creagan is na thachair rithe.
Boats have always been an important part of the culture of the islands of the Gaidhealtachd, being praised in poetry and song. The title 'Dh猫anainn S霉gradh' comes from a G脿idhlig love song about a girl sailing boat, and the film is a contemplation of the connection between people and boats. 'What do you do when a beautiful boat that you built goes on the rocks?'
The film takes us to Grimsay in Uist in search of an answer to this question, a place where boats are still built and used in everyday life. We meet a wise old fisherman and his young son, who impart their philosophy on their old wooden boats. The son shows us an imaginative repurposing that he undertook on one of the boats. This film was made as part of a project between Grimsay and Plockton in Lochalsh.