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Will comes to a decision, and Adam receives an interesting offer.

Ruth asks Brian for an update on the contamination and he assures her it's nothing to worry about. Later when Ruth finds out about Pryce Baumann pulling out of the Home Farm deal she complains to David. She was entrusted to look after Ruairi's interests and Brian should keep her updated on the situation.

At a farmers' conference on black grass Adam is approached by Michael Park, a farmer who is on the organising committee for a self-help group for farmers concerned about soil health. He believes Adam would have a lot to offer the enterprise and asks if he would be interested in being part of the organising committee; and perhaps host a soils open day later in the year. Adam is buoyed by this offer.

Emma goes round to Greenwood cottage with some provisions and notices that the place needs a clean, and Will and Poppy could do with a proper meal. But when Emma washes up the mug Nic used last, Will is furious and Emma leaves in tears.

Brian is surprised when Will arrives at Home Farm with some shoot figures. Brian tells him that no one is expecting him back at work and that he should take more time. This is the last straw for Will - why does no one believe he can cope. Will tells Brian to stuff his job and his advice.

13 minutes

Last on

Tue 6 Mar 2018 14:00


  • Mon 5 Mar 2018 19:00
  • Tue 6 Mar 2018 14:00

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