The Sherlocks
Highlights from indie band The Sherlocks' set at the 2017 Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival. The band played the Hothouse Stage on the Friday in Beauly.
Blas de cuid de na c貌mhlain a bha cluichd aig F猫is Bhelladruim, 2017. Anns a' phr貌gram-sa, ch矛thear The Sherlocks, an c貌mhlan Indie Rock 脿 Siorrachd Iorc a deas. Anns a' ch貌mhlan, tha d脿 phaidhir bhr脿ithrean, Kiaran agus Brandon Crook c貌mhla ri Andy agus Josh Davidson. Chluichd na Sherlocks an 脿rd-霉rlair Hothouse air oidhche Haoine.
Tha F猫is a' Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim air a bhith ruith o dh脿 mh矛le 'sa ceithir nuair a bha an ce貌l a' dol d矛reach airson aon l脿. A-nis, tha an fh猫is a ruith fad tr矛 l脿ithean agus abair rionnagan ci霉il a bhitheas i tarraing! Anns na bliadhnaichean o chionn ghoirid, bidh faisg air seachd m矛le deug neach a' tadhail oirre, ach ged a tha an fh猫is a' f脿s nas motha cha mh貌r gach bliadhna, tha an luchd-amharc an c貌mhnaidh c脿irdeil agus be貌thail.
Highlights from the 2017 Belladrum Tartan Heart music festival.
Tonight's show features The Sherlocks, an indie rock outfit from South Yorkshire and made up of two sets of brothers, Kiaran and Brandon Crook along with Andy and Josh Davidson, and together they played the Hothouse Stage. Belladrum Tartan Heart Festival has been running since 2004 when it was a one-day event.
The popular event now runs across three days and boasts an annual stellar line-up. Year on year the festival grows and attracts crowds of nearly 17,000 punters to the event whilst maintaining its reputation as a vibrant and family friendly festival in the heart of the Highlands.
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Chasing Shadows - The Sherlock
Duration: 02:59