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The last programme of the series features a special report from Allan MacLeod on the hopeful lasting legacy delivered by the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Scotland.
Anns a' phr貌gram mu dheireadh dhen t-sreath-sa de dh' 贰貌谤辫补, bidh Ailean MacLe貌id a' coimhead air an d矛leab mhaireannach a bha geallta 脿s d猫idh Gheamaichean a' Cho-fhlaitheis ann an Glaschu . A bheil seo air a bhith soirbheachail? Bidh 贰貌谤辫补 air ais san fhoghar.
Reports on the most important stories from across Europe. The last programme of the series features a special report from Allan MacLeod on the hopeful lasting legacy delivered by the 2014 Commonwealth Games in Scotland. Has this been achieved?
Last on
Sun 1 Apr 2018
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