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Pudar 's Peant/Why Wear Make-up?

Episode 10 of 19

Documentary in which Naomi Buchanan takes a journey through the world of make-up, exploring the unique relationship that many people have with it.

Tha maise-gn霉is air a bhith na ph脿irt dhe ar beatha fad iomadh bliadhna , agus air diofar atharrachaidhean fhaicinn tro fasan agus coimhearsnachd thar nam bliadhna. Bho bhith a' d猫anamh deiseil son oidhche mh貌r, gu bhith a' cur faireachdainn s貌nraichte an c猫ill, 脿rdachadh anns an 脿ireamh de fhir a tha ga chleachdadh, agus mar a tha saoghal nam meadhanan s貌isealta a' brosnachadh d貌ighean 霉ra cruthachail le maise-gn霉is. Tha Naomi Bochanan gar toirt air turas sp貌rsail, inntinneach agus i a' toirt s霉il air a' ch脿irdeas s貌nraichte a th' againn le maise-gn霉is.

Make-up has long been a part of life, and has seen many changes over the years as fashion and society has evolved. From getting ready for a big night out, the opportunity to express a unique sense of identity, the rise in men using make-up, to how the world of social media has inspired a new creative, approach for many.

Naomi Buchanan takes us on a fun and revealing journey into the world of make-up and the unique relationship that many have with it.

58 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Naomi Buchanan
