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Deargann mu Sgaoil

Tha an sgioba air cruinneachadh gus cluich ach tha caraid ùr Mhossy a' cur chùisean iomrall. The gang have gathered for a playdate, but Mossy’s new friend causes a bit of bother.

Tha Mossy air bhioran gus a charaid ùr, Fred, a thoirt gu cruinneachaidh-cluich an sgioba. Ge-tà ‘s e deargann a th’ ann am Fred ‘s chan eil càch cho toilichte a leithid fhaicinn nam measg... gus an seall Fred g’ eil e feumail na dhòigh fhèin!

Mossy is excited to bring his new friend, Fred, to today’s playdate, but the rest of the gang are less than enamoured when they learn that Fred is actually a flea...! However, Fred soon shows that he is quite useful to have around!

7 minutes
