Peppa and her family set off to the park to celebrate the beginning of the summer holidays. But when their car breaks down, Miss Rabbit lends them her plane for the day.
‘S e toiseach saor-là ithean an t-samhraidh a th’ ann agus tha Peppa ‘s a teaghlach a dèanamh air a’ phà irc gus leum ann an lòin phuill. Ge-tà , nuair a bhriseas an cà r aca sìos, agus nuair a bheir a’ Mhaighdean Coineanach am plèana aice dhaibh, tha iad a’ dol air chuairt air feadh an t-saoghail. Tha iad a’ tadhail air caraidean Pheppa ‘s iadsan air saor-là ithean ann an iomadh dùthaich eadar-dhealaichte. Ach saoil dè an dùthaich as fheà rr airson leum ann an lòin phuill?
Peppa and her family are off to the park to celebrate the beginning of the summer holidays by jumping in muddy puddles. But when their car breaks down and Miss Rabbit lends them her plane for the day, they get swept off on an adventure all around the world. The plane takes them to visit Peppa’s friends, who are on their holidays in different countries. But which country is best for muddy puddle jumping?
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