Episode 3
The emergence of new musical fusions in the 90s and 00s – featuring the likes of Martyn Bennett, the role of technology and a look at what the future holds for traditional music.
Am pà irt mu dheireadh den t-sreath a tha a’ meòrachadh air ùr-ghnà thachadh ann an ceòl traidiseanta na h-Alba agus Èirinn, le ceòl bho chuid de na còmhlain as adhartaiche san là an-diugh. Tha buidheann dhrùiteach againn de luchd-agallaidh, nam measg cuid de shà r luchd-ciùil tùsail traidiseanta .
Còmhla ri sin, tha beairteas de sheann fhilmichean ciùil ann bho na bliadhnaichean a dh’fhalbh, agus clà raidhean gu tur ùr le cuid den luchd-ciùil as adhartaiche san là an-diugh cuideachd air fhighe tron t-slighe shònraichte ciùil air an gabh sinn. Ann am Prògram 3 gabhaidh sinn cuairt a Dhùn Èideann far na nochd iomadh fuaim agus pòsadh ciùil ùr tarraingeach sna 90an agus na 00s – còmhlain leithid The Easy Club, Shooglenifty, & Martyn Bennett. Seallaidh sinn cuideachd air buaidh teicneòlas, agus dè na tha fa-near dha ceòl traidiseanta san à m ri teachd. Bidh nòs ùr smiorail an là an-diugh cuideachd air a riochdachadh le ceòl ùr bho Eoghann Neff, Inyal, Úna Monaghan & Lau.
The final part of the documentary series which explores innovation in Irish and Scottish traditional music, and showcases some of the best new, cutting-edge acts. An extraordinary group of interviewees, featuring some of our most pioneering and innovative musicians, are central to our journey. Interwoven with these interviews are classic archive performances from across the decades, and new performances from the cream of the contemporary Scottish and Irish scene.
This time we head for Edinburgh, where many new sounds and musical fusions emerged in the 90s and 00s, featuring the likes of The Easy Club, Shooglenifty and Martyn Bennett. We also explore the role of technology and look to what the future holds for traditional music. Groundbreaking performances come from Eoghann Neff, Inyal, Úna Monaghan and Lau.
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Narrator | Sarah Cruickshank |
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