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A showcase of the most innovative, cutting-edge trad acts. Featuring performances from Úna Monaghan, Jarlath Henderson and Snuffbox.

A’ taisbeanadh cuid de na còmhlain as adhartaiche a thaobh nòsan ciùil traidiseanta ann an Alba agus Èirinn san là an-diugh, ’s iad a’ toirt pòsaidhean ciùil, tarraingeach agus tionndadh ùr air a’ cheòl aca.

A’ gabhail pàirt ann am Prògram 4 – Jarlath Henderson an cluicheadair pìob-uilne agus seinneadair à Ulaidh a tha a-nise a’ fuireach ann an Alba; Emer O’Flaherty a tha a’ sgrìobhadh agus a’ seinn ann an nòs ciùil jazz le facail Gaeilge; Snuffbox a tha a’ measgachadh puirt thraidiseanta le alt ùr nodha; Úna Monaghan an clàrsaiche a tha a’ cruthachadh ceòl deuchainneach ann an nòs ùr, ach leis an traidisean air fhighe na lùib; agus Moxie le am pòsadh ciùil de fhuaimnean trad na h-Èireann agus ceòl jazz agus ceòl an t-saoghail.

This episode features Jarlath Henderson, the uillean pipes player and singer from Ulster who now lives in Scotland; Emer O’Flaherty, who writes in the idiom of jazz with Irish Gaelic lyrics; and Snuffbox, with their blend of traditional tunes presented in a modern musical context. Plus Úna Monaghan with her contemporary, experimental clàrsach compositions and the jazz and world music-inspired trad sounds of Irish band Moxie.

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Director Don Coutts
Narrator Sarah Cruickshank
