Mod na Cloinne - Part 1
Cathy NicDhòmhnaill le seinneadairean bhon a’ chiad latha aig Mòd na Cloinne. Cathy MacDonald presents highlights from the Children's Mod in Dunoon.
Cathy NicDhòmhnaill ag aithris prògram à Dùn Omhain bhon chiad latha de Mhòd na Cloinne - latha an luchd-ionnsachaidh. Am measg nan seinneadairean a bhios a’ nochdadh sa phrògram bidh an dithis a bhuannaich prìomh fharpais seinn an luchd-ionnsachaidh dhan chloinn, Bonn Cuimhneachan Sheumais C Mhic a’ Phì. Deagh thoiseach tòiseachaidh le còisirean, bà rdachd, agus drà ma ri fhaicinn cuideachd.
Cathy MacDonald presents some of the successful performers from the first day of the Children’s singing competitions in Dunoon. Monday is primarily the day the young Gaelic-speaking learners showcase their talents and the programme will feature winners from most of the competitions including the winners of the prestigious James C MacPhee Memorial medals for singing. A great start to the week with a packed programme also featuring choirs, poetry and drama
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- Mon 15 Oct 2018 22:00
- Mon 22 Oct 2018 22:00