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Tacsi Turtar
Episode 31 of 39
Feumaidh Bernie a mhisneachd a chumail 鈥榮 aige ri dhol air misean-teasairginn gu muir! Bernie is put to the test when he has to make a daring sea rescue!
Ged nach eil Bernie uabhasach misneachail san fhairge, feumaidh e gabhail ri misean-teasairginn aig muir 鈥榮 Bernadette ann an cunnart! Gu fortanach, tha e a' faighinn cuideachadh bho charaid 霉r, annasach!
Despite his lack of confidence in deep water, Bernie tackles a daring rescue when Bernadette finds herself in trouble out at sea. Fortunately, a little help presents itself in the rather unusual shape of a new friend!
Last on
Sat 16 Apr 2022