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Anne Lundon is in Latvia, examining whether confidential files left by the KGB in the 90s should now be made public.
Tha 贰貌谤辫补 air ais le sreath 霉r a' coimhead air na sgeulachdan as cudromaiche bho air feadh na Roinn 贰貌谤辫补.
Sa chiad phr貌gram, tha Anne Lundon ann an Latbhia a-toirt s霉il air am bu ch貌rr faidhlichean a dh' fh脿g an KGB air an c霉laibh anns na naochadan, a dhe脿namh poblach.
贰貌谤辫补 is back with a new series examining the most important stories from across Europe.
In the first programme of the new series, Anne Lundon is in Latvia, examining whether confidential files left by the KGB in the 90s should now be made public.
Last on
Mon 5 Nov 2018
大象传媒 Two Scotland
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