With Rona Dougall
Rona Dougall gets to the heart of the news and offers the listeners the opportunity to have their say.
According to researchers from Oxford University, a "meat tax" could prevent almost 6,000 deaths per year in the UK and save the economy more than £700 million in avoided healthcare costs. The research is based on evidence linking consumption of red meat - such as beef, lamb and pork - to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Currently over 180 countries tax tobacco, 60 tax carbon and 25 have a sugar tax. Meat taxes are already being considered in Denmark, Sweden, China and Germany although no proposals have advanced into legislation.
Should meat be taxed?
Also on the show...
Cat Harvey's got a dilemma. And she is going to have one every week in our new feature. Today…..how do you deal with that one friend who never foots the bill?
Claire Devlin, a baker from Auchterarder, spent a year without a jaw. She's now raising money for the hospital team who helped her. Mr Luke Cascarini is a Head & Neck Surgeon at Guys Hospital,
Health Secretary Matt Hancock has urged people to take more responsibility for their own health to tackle rising rates of obesity and illness. Do you agree? Dr Niamh Fitzgerald is a Senior Lecturer in Alcohol Studies at University of Stirling and Timi Bradley is a Zen bodybuilder and personal trainer.
What's the Joyful Toolkit and could it help us lead more fulfilling lives? Writer Ingrid Fetell Lee has spent eight years studying the latest research in psychology and neuroscience to understand the 'aesthetics of joy'.
Is it time to ditch the word gentleman? Author and journalist Rebecca Reid says it's harmful to men and women whilst literary expert James Lavery would be happy to be described as a gentleman.
"Morning people" have a lower risk of developing breast cancer, according to a new study. Can you become a 'morning person' and what impact does your sleep pattern have on your health? Susan Leigh is a sleep expert and Brian Lynch is a taxi driver who works shifts.
It's calculated that social isolation and loneliness - which affect both our physical and mental health - can increase our risk of death by 29%. Jayne Burnett is the manager of Visiting Friends, a volunteer befriending charity based in Helensburgh that helps elderly, isolated and lonely people through one-to-one outreach.