Episode 2
Our brave team of adventurers begin the second phase of their trip into the interior of Scotland’s last great wilderness, Fisherfield in Wester Ross.
Tha an sgioba gaisgeil againn a’ cur an aghaidh air an dà rna ìre den chuairt aca a dh’ionnsaigh na fà saich fhiadhaich mu dheireadh ann an Alba, Innis an Iasgaich air Taobh Siar Rois. Mar a tha a’ choiseachd tron chruth-tìre fharsaing seo a’ dol air adhart, tha a’ bhuil air an sgioba, le builgeanan coise, sgìths agus am fuachd uile a’ toirt buaidh orra. Tha iad a’ strì gus iad fhèin a chumail air an dòigh, le còmhradh spòrsail agus òrain, ach tha an cà irdeas eadar dithis a’ fàs rag. An ruig an ceathrar an ceann-uidhe? An ruig duine idir e? Bidh rionnag snà mh na mara is nan lochan, Calum MacIlleathain, mar neach-iùil dhan sgioba. Sgiorradh aithriseach.
Our brave team of adventurers begin the second phase of their trip into the interior of Scotland’s last great wilderness, Fisherfield in Wester Ross. Hiking through the massive landscape the journey begins to take its toll, with blisters, fatigue, hunger and the cold all beginning to bite. They keep their spirits up with banter and song, but tension grows between two of them. Will all four or any of them make it to the end, with wild swimming star Calum Maclean as guide?
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