Soda Bread
Tha Linda NicLeòid agus a caraidean a’ deanamh aran sòda. Linda is joined by Maya and Anthony to bake soda bread.
Tha Linda NicLeòid a’ còcaireachd cuide ri a caraidean. An-diugh tha Maya agus Anthony cuide ri Linda agus iad a’ fuine aran sòda. Ach mus tòisich iad, feumaidh iad dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil na tha a dhìth orra a-staigh. Mur a bheil, bidh iad a’ dèanamh liosta agus a’ dol dhan bhùth airson a h-uile cà il fhaighinn.
Bidh Linda agus a caraidean cuideachd a’ faighinn a-mach cò às a tha min-fhlùir a’ tighinn. Tha iad an uairsin a’ tilleadh dhan chidsin airson aran sòda a dhèanamh mus suidh iad sìos aig a’ bhòrd ga ithe!
Linda Macleod and friends cook a number of tasty dishes. In this episode, Linda is joined by Maya and Anthony to make soda bread. Before they start, they must make sure they have all the ingredients and, if not, they prepare a list and go shopping. They also find out more about where flour comes from, before returning to the kitchen to bake the bread and sitting down at the table to tuck in.
Air a chraoladh
Tuilleadh phrògraman
Air adhart
Aran Sòda

Aran Sòda
75g flùr plèan
100g flùr slà n-mhinÂ
25g coirce
1 ½ spà in bheag de shiùcar
½ spà in bheag de shalannÂ
½ spà in bheag de shòdaÂ
2 spà in mhòr de shìol neòinean-grèineÂ
175ml iogartÂ
Ro-theasaich an à mhainn gu 220C/425F/Gas 7. Lìnig trèidhe-fuine le pà ipear nach steig.Â
Measgaich na stuthan air fad, ach a-mhà in an iogart, ri chèile ann am bobhla le spà in fhiodh. Cuir a’ mhòr chuid den iogart ris an seo agus measgaich iad gus am bi taois bog agad. Cuir tuilleadh iogart ris ma tha an taois tioram.Â
Tionndaidh an taois a-mach air clà r-fuine air an deach beagan flùr a chrathadh agus fuin e airson dhà no thrì mhionaidean gus am bi e mìn.
Dèan cumadh lof cruinn dhen taois agus cuir air an trèidhe-fuine e. Brùth sìos air beagan agus dèan crois dhomhainn air le sgian. Dèan cinnteach gun tèid a ghearradh cha mhòr gu bonn na taoise gus an tèid an t-aran a bhruich.Â
Cuir an lof dhan à mhainn airson 20-25 mionaidean gus am bi e bruich.Â
Soda Bread
75g/3oz plain flourÂ
100g/3½oz wholemeal flour
25g/1oz oats
1½ tsp caster sugar
½ tsp salt
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
2 tbsp sunflower seedsÂ
175ml/6fl oz natural yoghurt
Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper.Â
Stir all of the ingredients, except the yoghurt, together in a bowl. Add most of the yoghurt and mix together to form a soft dough. Add a little extra yoghurt if the dough is too dry.Â
Tip the dough out onto a floured work surface and knead for a few minutes until smooth.
Shape into a round loaf and place on the baking tray. Flatten slightly with your hand, then mark a deep X on the top using a knife. Make sure to cut almost all the way through to the bottom of the dough so that the bread cooks all the way through.
Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Linda MacLeod |
Producer | Donald Macleod |
Production Manager | Mairi Mackinnon |
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