Episode 1
Ramsay MacMahon an Dùn Phris agus Gallghaidheil. Ramsay MacMahon visits Dumfries and Galloway.
Ag obair ‘sa fuireach ann am baile mòr, feumar rud math air faire son do chumail a’ dol tron t-seachdain. Tha Ramsay MacMahon là n chinnteach gun e teiche son là no dha cur thairis le curseachad a tha dhìth.
Agus abair gu bheil fhios aigesan dè na cuairtean deireadh-sheachdain is fheà rr: an-diugh tha e dol gu Dùn Phrìs is Gallghaidheil. Tha e a’feuchainn spòrs uisge a chriosas a chridhe: bòrd-sgiathaidh.
Tha e a’tadhal air Gretna Green a’chluinntinn mu na mìltean a tha a’ pòsadh ann – agus a’ cur seachad an oidhche a’ cadal ann an taigh-craoibhe, ach fear leis a h-uile goireas – fiù’s stobh!
Ann an Dùn Phrìs cluinnidh Ramsay mu na bliadhnaichean a chuir Raibeart Burns seachad ann, agus gabhaidh e cuairt gu sealladh à lainn, eas ris an can iad an Grey Mare’s Tail.
Working and living in the city you need something to keep you going through the week. Ramsay MacMahon is a firm believer that escaping for an action-packed weekend is the only solution.
In his guide to the ultimate weekend away in Scotland, Ramsay travels to Dumfries and Galloway. This week he tries the latest water sport for those in need of a serious adrenaline rush – flyboarding. He also visits the famous Gretna Green to hear about the thousands of people still tying the knot there and spends the night in a designer tree house complete with wood-burning stove and bath.
Ramsay visits Dumfries to learn about one of its most famous residents, Robert Burns. Before returning to Glasgow he takes in one of the most scenic walks in the area, the 60m-high Grey Mare’s Tail waterfall.
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