Na seallaidhean as fheà rr bhon fhèis chiùil, a-nochd, còmhlan air leth, Tidelines. Highlights from the 2018 music festival coverage as Tidelines take to the Garden Stage.
Bheir Niall Iain Dòmhnallach fà ilte is furan dhuibh do shealladh air Fèis a’ Chridhe Tartan Bhelladruim bho 2018, le sùil air còmhlan a’ chluich an Àrd-là ir Garden air an fheasgar Dihaoine den fhèis air oighreachd Bhelladruim, faisg air a’ Mhanachainn. ’S iad còmhlan air leth tà lantach a Alba leis an ainm Tidelines, agus abair gun robh an t-sluagh a dannsa agus a leumadaich comhla riutha. Am measg na h-orain a’ chluich iad: The Island agus Far Side of The World.
Niall Iain Macdonald presents highlights from the 2018 Belladrum Tartan Heart music festival. Tonight’s featured act is the irrepressible and talented Tidelines. Robert Robertson and the band took to the Garden Stage on a sunny Friday afternoon and certainly had the Bella crowd dancing and jumping along to their sensational set. The Island and Far Side of the World both feature in the band's performance.
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- Sun 30 Dec 2018 00:25