Episode 3
Na leabhraichean as fheà rr le daoine. Anna Macleod in conversation with Domhnall Ruadh Smith and Charles Wilson about their favourite books.
Bidh Anna Nicleòid a’ còmhradh ri dithis neach gach seachdain mu na leabhraichean as fheà rr leotha. Sgriobhadh saidheans eachdraidheil, dualchas Tùsanach agus uirsgeulan Cuimreach is chan eil an sin ach cuid dhe na roghainnean aig Dòmhnall Ruadh Mac a’ Ghobhainn & Teà rlach Wilson air Leugh Mi.
Bidh Dòmhnall Ruadh a’ bruidhinn air leabhar mu dhèidhinn buidheann saidheans eachdraidheil, ‘Seeing Further: The Story of Science and the Royal Society’ le Bill Bryson agus sgeulachd dualchas na Tùsanach ann an Astrà ilia, ‘The Songlines’ le Bruce Chatwin agus ‘s iomadh rud a chì am fear a shiùbhlas fad à s.
Bidh Teà rlach a’ bruidhinn air an leabhar ainmeil ‘1984’ air a sgriobhadh le George Orwell, mu dhèidhinn an dùthaich fhicseanail ‘Oceania’ far a bheil ‘Big Brother’ a’ cumail faire, agus ‘Am Mabinogi’, uairsgeul Cuimreach a chaidh eadar theangachadh gu Gà idhlig. Agus tha iad air leabhar a mholadh dha chèile ‘son a leughadh.
Anna Macleod is in conversation with two guests about their favourite books. This week, Domhnall Ruadh Smith and Charles Wilson discuss books of special interest to them.
Domhnall Ruadh’s choices include ‘Seeing Further: The Story of Science and the Royal Society’, by much-lauded writer Bill Bryson, and a book on a cultural and nomadic journey through Australia, 'The Songlines’, by Bruce Chatwin.
Charles’s choices include ‘1984’, George Orwell’s quintessential dystopian novel where ‘Big Brother’ is watching, and beautifully illustrated Welsh folklore epic 'An Mabinogi', translated into Gaelic by John MacDonald.
As well as discussing their favourite books, each guest has recommended a book for the other to read and we’ll find out in the programme whether they enjoyed it - or not!
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Anna Macleod |
Producer | Donna Murchison |
Director | John Smith |
Production Manager | Kevin Walker |
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