Ceòl Gà idhealach 's Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse gach feasgar. Gaelic and Celtic music and a round-up of what's on. Post-d - dethadol@bbc.co.uk
Ceòl Gaidhealach 's Ceilteach agus fiosrachadh air na tha dol agaibhse, còmhla ri Mairead NicIllInnein. Tha ceòl aig Mairead an-diugh bho Shooglenifty, Capercaillie, Kim Carnie agus Chloe Steele. Cuiribh fios thugainn mu na tachartasan tha dol agaibhse gu dethadol@bbc.co.uk Gaelic and Celtic music and a round-up of what's on presented by Mairead MacLennan. Mairead's choices today include Shooglenifty, Capercaillie, Kim Carnie and Chloe Steele. Send us information on events that are happening in your community to dethadol@bbc.co.uk
Last on
Music Played
Shooglenifty & Dhun Dhora
Jog Yer Bones: Avalu / Jump Yer Bones
- Written In Water.
- Shoogle Records.
- 003.
Drine & Marsaili Macleod
Ged Is Socrach Mo Leapaidh
- The Songs Of Rob Donn.
- TNG.
- 011.
Kinnaris Quintet
Princess Fiona
- Free One.
- Kinnaris Quintet.
- 006.
Lori Watson
Yarrow (A Charm)
- Yarrow Acoustic Sessions.
- Isle Music Scotland.
- 1.
Chris Stout & Finlay MacDonald
Mom's Jig / Dull And Boring
- The Cauld Wind.
- Chris Stout Music.
- 003.
James Graham
- Siubhal.
- Foot Stompin' Records.
- 5.
The Sound Of Sleat / The Fear / Dans Plinn
- Choice Language.
- Vertical.
- 7.
Mairéad Nà Mhaonaigh & Emma Ni Fhioruisce
Ar Ais Go Gaoth Dobhair
- Sruthain Cheoil.
- Traditional Arts.
- 002.
¶ÙÃ ¾±³¾³ó
Mo Ghleannan Taobh Loch Liòbhann
- Tuneship.
- Goat Island Music.
- 9.
The Hour Of The Blackbird
- The Waters And The Wild.
- Winding Track Ltd.
- 001.
Pons Aelius
Molly And Jimmy's: Molly Quinlan's / The Alexander Jig......
- Captain Glen's Comfort.
- Pons Aelius.
- 001.
Boxing Banjo
The Slug / The Chapel Bell / Lough Mountain
- Round 1.
- Boxing Banjo.
- 011.
Josie Duncan, Lorcán Mac Mathúna, Gwyneth Glyn & Doimnic Mac Giolla BhrÃde
Oran Bagraidh
- Oran Bagraidh (single).
- Knockengorroch.
- 1.
Claire Hastings
Fair Weather Beggar
- Those Who Roam.
- Luckenbooth Records.
- 005.
Brìghde Chaimbeul
Moma E Moma Rodila / Hajda, Kalino, Da Idem
- The Reeling.
- River Lea Recordings.
- 003.
Kim Carnie
Nighean Ruadh Bhan
- The Bard's Tale - Barrows Deep.
- Heist Records.
- 009.
Martin Hayes & Dennis Cahill
The Old Bush / The Reel With The Burl
- Lonesome Touch, The.
- Green Linnet.
- 6.
Sharon Shannon
Pull Out The Stops
- Sacred Earth.
- Celtic Collections.
- 5.
Aodh Mac RuairÃ
Èiri 's Cuir Ort Do Chuid Èadaigh
- Seal Gan Ghruaim.
- Udaras na Gaeltachta.
- 8.
Cherish the Ladies & Nathan Carter
The Heart Of The Home
- Heart Of The Home.
- Big Mammy Records.
- 004.
Chloe Steele
An Oiteag Uibhisteach
- Uibhist Mo Ruin.
- Chloe Steele.
- 003.
Ruairidh Macmillan
Ewie Wi' The Crooked Horn / The Chancer / Traditionally Incorrect
- Tyro.
- Greentrax Recordings.
- 1.
Clà r na Seachdain

- Tue 22 Jan 2019 14:00´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio nan Gà idheal