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Episode 6

Episode 6 of 10

Anna Macleod in conversation with Margaret Ann Beggs and Megan Dale about their favourite books.

’S iad Mairead Anna Beggs agus Megan Dale a bhios a’ taghadh nan leabhraichean an t-seachdain-sa,. Nam measg, sgeulachd-ghaol stèidhte anns a’ Ghàidhealtachd, stòiridhean èibhinn agus ficsean òigridh. Nuair nach eil Mairead Anna Beggs ag obair mar Ceannard nan Seirbhisean Taic air eilean Bharraigh ’s toigh le a bhith a leughadh. ’S e leabhar ionadail a tha i air a thaghadh le ‘Tales from Barra: As Told by The Coddy’.

’S ann a Cunndainn ann an Siorrachd Rois a tha Megan Dale, agus i ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann a’ dèanamh ceum ann an Gàidhlig agus eachdraidh Albannach . ‘Se eachdraidh beatha Jo Cox, ‘More in Common’ le Brendan Cox aon de na leabhraichean aig Megan. Bidh gach aoigh a’ toirt leabhar gu càch a chèile. Ach le diofar stoidhlean agus gnè, ciamar a tha iad a faireachdainn mu na molaidhean?

Margaret Ann Beggs and Megan Dale discuss books of special interest to them. The range of books include a love story set in the Highlands, a collection of stories and anecdotes from the Western Isles and youth fiction.

Margaret is head of support services on the Isle of Barra and a very keen reader. One of her choices comes in the shape of local book ‘Tales from Barra: As Told by The Coddy’.

Megan is from Contin Ross-shire and currently in her fourth year at the University of Edinburgh, where she is studying a joint degree in Gaelic and Scottish History. Her selection includes the biography of Jo Cox - More in Common, written by Brendan Cox.

A recommended read is given from one guest to the other, with different styles and genres. How will they rate their recommendation?

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Anna Macleod
Producer Donna Murchison
Director John Smith
Production Manager Kevin Walker
