Ukraine Special
Angela Maclean reports from Ukraine ahead of the first presidential elections since the county's pro-Russian government was overthrown.
C貌ig bliadhna as deidh r猫abhlaid na h-Ucr脿ine ann an 2014, tha 贰貌谤辫补 ag aithris 脿s a d霉thaich air thoiseach air a' chiad taghadh son ceann-suidhe bhon uairsin. Am measg na pr矛omh chuspairean ga dheasbad bidh an droch ch脿irdeas leis an Ruis, 矛rean coirbeachd san d霉thaich, agus cosgais 脿rd bith-be貌.
Tha Angela Nic 'Illeathain ag aithris.
Five years after the revolution of 2014, Eorpa reports from Ukraine ahead of the first presidential elections since the county's pro-Russian government was overthrown. Key election topics include Ukraine's strained relations with Russia, the country's endemic corruption and its effect on civil society, and the increasing cost of living.
Angela Maclean reports.
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