Episode 4
Tha na seòid a’ taghal air muileann eòrna Bere. The lads visit a barley mill to cook with Bere Meal.
Tha na seòid a’ tadhal air muileann eòrna-bere ann an Arcaibh. Tha eòrna-bere air a bhith a’ fàs fad 5000 bliadhna agus tha iad fhathast ga fhàs air an eilean. Seo an aon mhuileann eòrna-bere a tha fhathast a’ dol agus tha na balaich a’ cleachdadh flùr eòrna-bere anns gach reasabaidh anns a’ phrògram seo. Tha Roddy a’ dèanamh picill agus rolaichean ciabatta à eòrna-bere gus ceapair stèig Buabhall Arcaibh a dhèanamh. Tha e cuideachd a’ cur dreach Arcach air Coquille Saint-Jacques. Tha Ùisdean a’ feuchainn air consommé agus cuideachd a’ deasachadh feòil-uain à Raghnallsaigh a Tuath le risotto air a dhèanamh le eòrna na chois.
In this episode, the lads travel to visit a flour mill in Orkney. Bere Barley can be traced back 5,000 years and is still grown in Orkney. It is milled in the only remaining barley mill and they use the bere flour in all the recipes.
Roddy makes pickle along with some bere barley ciabatta-style rolls which he uses for an Orkney Buffalo steak sandwich. He also makes an Orkney-inspired variation of Coquilles Saint-Jacques. Uisdean experiments with consomme and cooks north Ronaldsay lamb with a barley risotto.
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Tha na seòid a' dèanamh picil
Duration: 03:10
Creachain Naomh Magnus
Duration: 02:08
Coquille St Magnus

150g buntà ta tioram airson pronnadh
4 creachainn mòra anns an t-slige
50g cà ise cheddar Arcaibh
Sauvignon Blanc (Marlborough Sealainn Nuadh)
75g ìm
25g min-eòrna bere
Sabhs èisg
Geà rr feòil gheal nan creachain nan sliseagan.
Bruich na sgalaidean.
Cuir min-eòrna bere na lùib agus measgaich gus an tiughaich e.
Cuir steallag fìon geal na lùib, fhathast ga mheasgachadh.
Cuir steallag mhath bainne na mheasg.
Nuair a tha e tiugh, cuir an cà ise na mheasg, agus cuir mun cuairt.
Sà ill le salann agus piobair air a bhleith gu mìn.
Cuir na sliseagan creachain am broinn na sligean.
Dòirt an sabhs thairis orra.
Cuir buntà ta air a phronnadh le ìm tro phoca-sgeadachaidh air muin an t-sabhs.
Bleith cà ise cheddar air a mhuin.
Seasan le piobar-dubh.
Bruich san à mhainn aig 200°C airson mu 20 mionaidean, gus an tig dath òr air.
Couquille St Magnus
150g floury potatoes for mashingÂ
4 large scallops with the shell
50g mature Orkney cheddar
Sauvignon Blanc (New Zealand Marlborough)
75g butter
25g beremeal flour
Good quality fish stock
Cut the white meat of the scallops into slices.
Fry the shallots in butter.
Add some beremeal flour and stir to thicken.
Add a dash of white wine, continue to stir.
Stir in a good dash of milk.
Once thickened, stir in grated mature Orkney cheddar.
Season with salt & finely ground pepper.
Place the sliced scallops in their shells.Â
Pour the sauce over the fish.
Pipe buttery, mashed potatoes over the sauce.
Grate cheddar cheese on top.
Season with black pepper.
Cook in the oven at 200 degrees for approximately 20 minutes, until golden. Â
Picil Mearaige-bige / Courgette Pickle

250g mearagan-beaga, air an sliseadh gu tana
3 sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
Craiteachan salainn kosher
500ml fìon-geur eòrna bere
100g siùcar castoir òr
1 spà in-tì fùdar sgeallain
1 spà in-tì sìol sgeallain
1 spà in-tì sìol soilire
2 neo 3 tiolaidhean tioram
1 spà in-tì curcuma air a bhleith
Slis na mearagan-beaga gu tana le sgian gheur, mandoilin neo lann slisidh air pròiseasar-bidh. Cuir ann an bobhla le sgalaidean agus crath salann thairis air. Còmhdaich le uisge air leth fuar, measgaich gus an leagh an salann agus fà g airson uair a thìde. Drèanaig na mearagan-beaga gu math agus tiormaich le pà ipear-cidsin neo tubhailtean-teatha. Ma bhios iad ro fhliuch, tanaichidh an t-uisge am picil.
Cuir na stuthan piclidh ann am pana agus teòthaich. Leig dha goil airson 3 mionaidean, a’ dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an siùcar air leaghadh, an uairsin leig leis fuarachadh beagan gus a bheil e blà th, chan ann teth. Cuir na mearagan-beaga na mheasg agus cuir mun cuairt.
Dòirt am picil ann an 2 x shileagan 500ml fìor ghlan. Dèan
dìonach iad agus fà g anns am frids airson dhà neo trì là ithean. Mairidh iad
mìos neo dhà , ma tha iad air an cumail fuar.
Courgette Pickle
250g courgettes, finely sliced
3 shallots, finely chopped
Pinch kosher salt
500ml bere vinegar
100g golden caster sugar
1 tsp mustard powder
1 tsp mustard seeds
1 tsp celery seeds
2 or 3 dried chilliesÂ
1 tsp ground turmeric
Thinly slice the courgettes using a sharp knife, mandolin or slicing blade on a food processor. Put in a bowl with the shallots and sprinkle over the salt. Cover with ice-cold water, stir to dissolve the salt and leave for 1 hr. Drain the courgettes thoroughly and pat dry using kitchen paper or tea towels. If they stay too wet, the water will dilute the pickling solution.
Put the pickling ingredients into a pan and bring to a
simmer. Bubble for 3 mins, making sure the sugar has dissolved, then leave to
cool until warm but not hot. Add the
courgettes and stir.
Scoop the mixture into 2 x 500ml sterilised jars. Seal and leave for a few days
in the fridge. Kept chilled, these will keep for a couple of months.
Ceapaire Buabhaille le Rolaichean Min-eòrna Bere / Buffalo Beremeal Sandwich

Ceapaire BuabhailleÂ
Stèig fileide buabhaille
2 chlòbha creamh
2 phìos lus an rìgh
Ola airson fraidhigeadh.
Teasaich ola ann am pana. Seasan an stèic.
Cuir an stèig dhan phana teth agus bruich airson mu 6 mionaidean, ga thionndadh agus a’ dòirteadh an sùgh thairis air fhad ’s a tha e a’ bruich.
Cuir cnap ìm dhan phana fhad ’s a tha an stèig a’ bruich, còmhla ri 2 chlòbha creamh slà n agus pìosan lus an rìgh.
Rolaichean Min-eòrna bere
250g min-eòrna bere
250g flùr plèan
Min-eòrna bere pronn
1 ugh, air a bhualadh
1 spà in-tì siùcar
1 spà in-tì salann
8g beirm thioram
Steallag ola glasraich
Dhà neo trì phìosan ròs-Moire
½ phinnt uisge blà th
Measgaich a’ mhin-eòrna, am flùr agus a’ bheirm le chèile ann an bobhla.
Cuir an ròs-Moire, an ola agus an t-uisge ris agus measgaich le spà in-fhiodha, no measgaich ann an inneal-measgachaidh airson 10-15 mionaidean.
Roilig an taois ann am meud rolaichean.
Cuir iad air treidhe air a lìnigeadh le pà ipear-fuine.
Bruisig leis an ugh agus crath min-eòrna bere pronn thairis orra.
Cuir iad gu aon taobh ann an à ite blà th leig leotha èirigh airson timcheall air 15 mionaidean.
Cuir dhan à mhainn aig 230°C airson 15-20 mionaidean.
Fosgail na rolaichean, sgaoil sgeallan slà n-ghrà in orra agus cuir slisean tana stèic air am muin.
Cuir biolair, bloinigean-gà rraidh agus slisean tana tomato air muin sin, agus crìochnaidh le picil mearaige-bige.
Buffalo Beremeal Sandwich
Buffalo fillet steakÂ
2 cloves of garlicÂ
2 sprigs of thyme
Oil for frying
Heat oil in a pan. Season the steak.
Place in the hot pan and cook for approximately 6 minutes, turning over and basting while it cooks.
Add a couple of knobs of butter to the pan, while the steak is cooking, along with 2 whole cloves of garlic and sprigs of thyme.
Beremeal Rolls
250g beremeal flour
250g plain flour
Course beremeal flour
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
8g dried yeast
Dash of vegetable oil
A few sprigs of rosemary
½ pint warm water
Combine beremeal flour, plain flour and yeast, in a bowl.
Add rosemary, vegetable oil & water and mix together with wooden spoon.
Or mix in mixer for 10 – 15 minutes.
Roll the mix into individual roll sized quantities
Lay out on a baking tray, lined with greaseproof paper.
Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with coarse bere meal flour.
Set aside in a warm position, until they have risen, approximately 15 minutes.
Bake at 230 degrees for 15/20 minutes.
Build sandwich by spreading the open roll with wholegrain mustard, add thinly slice steak.
Top with watercress, spinach, thinly sliced tomatoes and finish by adding courgette pickle.
Risotto Eòrna-neamhnaide le Feòil-uain agus Consommé Feòil-uain/Pearl barley risotto served with lamb cannon & lamb consommé

Airson an risotto:
300g eòrna-neamhnaide, air a nighe agus air a bhogachadh
Dhà neo thrì sgalaidean, air an gearradh gu mìn
1 cainnean, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 chlòbha creamh, air a phronnadh
Steallag fìon geal
Sabhs feòil-uain
Teasaich an ola ann am pana agus fraidhig an t-ìm, na sgalaidean, an cainnean agus an creamh airson 1 mionaid.
Cuir an t-èorna-neamhnaide ris a’ phana agus measgaich gus a bheil e air a chòmhdach leis an ola.
Cuir steallag fìon geal ris agus measgaich.
Cuir pearsail ris.
Beag air bheag, cuir an sabhs feòil-uain ris a’ phana agus bruich gus a bheil an t-eòrna air bogachadh.
Cuir cnap no dhà de dh’ìm troimhe le pearsail air a
ghearradh agus measgaich.
Canan Feòil-uain
Bruich gach taobh dhen fheòil-uain ann am praidheapan gus a
bheil e donn, a’ cur ros-Moire agus creamh ris a’ phana.
Sà ill agus bruich san à mhainn airson mu 15 mionaidean.
Fà g e airson dreiseag bheag mus tèid a thoirt seachad.
Geà rr an canan na sginichean.
Cuir taobh gheireach na feòla ann am pana teth agus leig leis a’ gheir leaghadh.Â
Gabh e le measgachadh de ghlasraich ròsta, risotto
eòrna-neamhnaide agus consommé feòil-uain.
Consommé Feòil-uain
Mions feòil-uain
1 uinnean, air a ghearradh
1 curran, air a ghearradh
1 cainneann, air a ghearradh
1 stob soilire
6 gealagain agus na sligean
Sabhs feòil-uain
Buail na gealagain còmhla agus cuir an t-uinnean, an curran, an cainnean agus an soilire ris.
Bris am mions suas na mheasg agus cuir mun cuairt gus flod a chruthachadh.
Cuir seo ri pana fuar de shabhs feòil-uain, teasaich air a shocair agus bruich airson uair a thìde.
Cuir toll anns an fhlod le liagh gus faighinn chun a’ chonsommé.
Sìol an consommé tro chlobhd muislinn agus thoir seachad e ann an gloinne.
Pearl barley risotto served with lamb cannon & lamb consomméÂ
For the risotto:
300g pearl barley, soaked and rinsed
A few shallots, finely chopped
1 onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
Splash of white wine
Pre-prepared lamb stock
A few knobs of butter
Olive oil
Heat oil in frying pan with a knob of butter, and add shallots, leek and garlic. Fry for approximately 1 minute.
Add the pearl barley and stir until it is coated in oil.
Add a splash of white wine and continue to stir.
Add a few sprigs of thyme.
Gradually add lamb stock to the pan and continue to cook until the barley softens.
Add a few knobs of butter and chopped parsley, stir through.
Lamb cannon
Brown the lamb on all sides in a frying pan, adding some rosemary and
garlic cloves to the pan.
Season and roast in a hot oven for approximately 15 minutes.
Allow to rest before serving.
Cut the lamb into cutlets.
Place the fatty side of the cutlets in a hot frying pan and allow the fat to render down.
Serve with a medley of pan fried vegetables, pearl barley risotto and lamb consommé.
Lamb consommé
Lamb mince
1 onion, roughly chopped
1 carrot, roughly chopped
1 leek, roughly chopped
1 celery stalk, roughly chopped
6 eggs whites & shells
Pre-prepared lamb stock
Whisk the eggs whites and add the onion, carrots, celery, leek.
Break the mince into the mixture and mix, to form the float.
Add to a pan of cold lamb stock and bring to the heat, simmer for approximately one hour.
With a ladle, make a hole in the float to get through to the consommé.
Strain the liquid through muslin cloth and serve in a glass.
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Uisdean Macleod |
Presenter | Ruaraidh Munro |
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