With Kaye Adams 09/04/2019
Medical cannabis has been legal since the end of last year - have you tried to get it?
On the phone-in...
Lib Dem MP Christine Jardine has called for action after parents of children with severe epilepsy were still struggling to obtain medical cannabis by prescription despite the change in the law.
Medical cannabis has been legal since the end of last year, have you tried to get it? 0808 5 92 95 00
Also on the show...
Popstar Sam Smith has encouraged his fans to strip off in order to deal with their body issues - is having a 'naked day' the route to self confidence?
Animal behaviourist Dr Roger Mugford is here to analyse your pet.
Could you follow Charlotte Church's lead and ditch your smartphone?
The Scottish film maker who runs INTO the eye of the storm
VisitCornwall has complained about broadcasters who have been known to stand in front of Cornwall when broadcasting. What are the other hazards of being a weather presenter?
According to reports in some of the tabloids this morning, a Scottish school plans to charge parents for exam revision sessions during the Easter holidays. Would you be willing to pay and, if not, how can you help your children to revise for exams?
Can you name the place? Dr Carole Hough reveals this week's place name