Episode 10
Eachdraidh Ameireagaidh ann an dath airson a’ chiad uair. The story of America’s past, seen in colour for the first time.
Anns an fhicheadamh linn, choisinn agus chosg teaghlaichean leithid na Rockefellers agus na Vanderbilts fortanan mòra.
Bha rìoghachasan poilitigeach leithid teaghlach Roosevelt a’ measgachadh le na daoine beairteach seo, a’ lìonadh nam pà ipearan aig rìgh nam meadhanan, William Randolph Hearst. Aig an aon à m, tha Iòsaph Ceanadach òg a’ cnuasachadh air à rd-chliù rìoghail a ruighinn san dùthaich, agus atharraichidh John F Ceanadach Ameireaga gu brà th.
Le bhith a’ cleachdadh tasglann agus filmichean dachaigh nach deach fhaicinn a-riamh, chithear sgeulachd Rìoghalachd Ameireagaidh ann an dath airson a’ chiad uair.
In the 20th century, families like the Rockefellers and Vanderbilts built and spent massive fortunes. Political dynasties such as the Roosevelts mixed with this moneyed elite, and the press baron William Randolph Hearst filled his papers with stories about them. A young Joseph Kennedy plots to reach the heights of American Royalty, and his son John F Kennedy will change America forever.
Now, using rare archive and home movies, the story of American royalty will be seen in colour for the first time.
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