Mary Ann Kennedy and Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacKinnon present music from around the world, including Blue Rose Code, Lahira, Dreamer’s Circus and The Local Honeys.
A’ chiad phrògram à sreath air a lìbhrigeadh le Mà iri Anna NicUalraig agus Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacFhionghain. Chaidh Seirm a chlà radh air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd anns an Hillhead Bookclub aig à m fèis Celtic Connections anns an Fhaoilleach, 2019. Anns a’ phrògram roghainneach seo tha feadhainn den luchd-ciùil as fheà rr bhon fhèis. A-nochd air Seirm, chithear rionnagan bho ceòl Americana, The Local Honeys; an seinneadair barraichte, Blue Rose Code; Dreamer’s Circus - aig a bheil freumhan ciùil ann an jazz, ceòl clasaigeach agus ceòl traidiseanta agus Lahira - buidheann a bheir togail do dhuine sam bith.
The first episode of Seirm is presented by Mary Ann Kennedy and Dòmhnall Eòghainn MacKinnon. Filmed in the atmospheric Hillhead Bookclub before an audience at the Celtic Connections music festival in January 2019, this eclectic show features lively performances from the best of the festival alongside some unique musical collaborations. Appearing in this episode are stars of Americana, The Local Honeys; acclaimed singer Blue Rose Code; Dreamer’s Circus - a band with jazz, classical and trad music roots; and the renowned Lahira. A line-up guaranteed to raise your spirits.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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