Derek Pluto Moireach le ceòl agus fealla-dhÃ
Ceòl, spòrs agus fealla-dhà air ar slighe dhachaigh còmhla ri Derek Moireach. Entertainment and the latest sports news with Derek Pluto Murray. Tweet @DerekPluto
Ceòl, spòrs agus fealla-dhà air ar slighe dhachaigh còmhla ri Derek Pluto Moireach. Tha Derek a’ toirt sùil air na sgeulachdan as motha ann an saoghal spòrs ionadail, nà iseanta agus eadar-nà iseanta. Tha measgachadh math de cheòl air a thaghadh le Derek agus ma tha sib’ fhèin airson òran a chluinntinn, cuiribh fios thuige le bhith a' fà gail teachdaireachd air an duilleag Facebook, tweet gu @DerekPluto, post-dealain gu pluto@bbc.co.uk no cuiribh fòn an asgaidh air 08000 967 050.
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Music Played
The Weather Girls
It's Raining Men
A Horse With No Name
- America's Greatest Hits - History.
- Warner Bros.
Lady A
I Run to You
- Need You Now.
- Capitol Nashville.
- 1.
Somewhere Only We Know
- (CD Single).
- Transcopic Records.
Johnny Cash
A Thing Called Love
- Country Moods (Various Artists).
- Polygram Tv.
Willie Campbell
Tim Seasamh Seimh
- Dalma.
- Ceol 'S Craic.
- 005.
Adam Lambert
Another Lonely Night
Donnie Murdo MacLeod
Oran an Tractor
- Gaelic Music Archive - Comp Y.
- 04.
Labi Siffre
(Something Inside) So Strong
Heather Small
- Proud.
- Arista.
Status Quo
Whatever You Want
- Status Quo: Gold.
- UM3.
- 16 / 1.
Broken Down Angel
- Anthology.
- Raw Power.
- 18.
Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper
I Will Be With You
- Bridge of Spies.
- Siren Records.
- 002.
Fern Kinney
Together We Are Beautiful
Land of Confusion
- Platinum Collection.
- EMI.
- 8.
Tide Lines
Walking On The Waves
- Dreams We Never Lost.
- Tide Lines Music.
- 013.
The Cult
She Sells Sanctuary
- The Cult - Pure Cult: The Singles.
- Beggars Banquet.
The Rolling Stones
Tumbling Dice
- The Rolling Stones - Forty Licks.
- Abkco.
- 1.
Rascal Flatts
Walk Alone (feat. Tom Walker)
- Toast to Our Differences.
- 1.
Radio Ga Ga
- Queen - Greatest Hits II.
- Parlophone.
- Wed 25 Sep 2019 17:30´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio nan Gà idheal
Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto air Facebook
Faic na tha dol air an duilleag Siubhal gu Seachd le Pluto air Facebook.