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D谩ith铆 脫 Muir铆
Ciar谩n Carson, IMRAM 2019 agus d贸chas f谩 choinne B谩d Eddie.
Labhra铆onn D谩ith铆 le M铆cheal 脫 M谩irt铆n faoi shaol agus oidhreacht an fhile fheirstigh Ciar谩n Carson. Ins铆onn Cathal P贸irt茅ir d煤inn faoi na himeachta铆 ar fad at谩 socruithe mar chuid den fh茅ile litr铆ochta, IMRAM 2019 agus fiosra铆onn D谩ith铆 le Sonia Nic Giolla Easbuig faoi na pleananna is 煤ire at谩 beartaithe do Bh谩d Eddie ar an Bhun bheag.
D谩ith铆 talks to M铆cheal 脫 M谩irt铆n about the life and legacy of Belfast Poet Ciar谩n Carson. Cathal P贸irt茅ir tells us about the many events that are planned as part of this year鈥檚 IMRAM 2019 literary festival and D谩ith铆 finds out from Sonia Nic Giolla Easbuig about the latest plans for B谩d Eddie in Bunbeg.
An craoladh is d茅ana铆
M谩irt 8 DF贸mh 2019
大象传媒 Radio Ulster & 大象传媒 Radio Foyle
- M谩irt 8 DF贸mh 2019 19:03大象传媒 Radio Ulster & 大象传媒 Radio Foyle