Christmas shopping; Wacky packaging; Social prescribing
Are you cutting back this Christmas? According to the latest figures we won't be spending as much on food or presents for anyone who isn't in our close circle of friends.
Research for You and Yours has found we're likely to spend less this Christmas. We'll be cutting back on food and buying presents for people outside of our immediate family and close friends. We want to know if you're planning to cut back this Christmas? Email
The man who invented the sort of packaging that sounds like it's your friend ("Heat me up then eat me!") says he regrets it. Paul Burke helped market the Innocent brand, but now believes the kind of matey marketing he's created is so ubiquitous it's grating.
And the Government wants everyone in England to have access to 'social prescribing', where GPs prescribe activities like singing, gardening and art classes to help with depression and anxiety. We visit a garden in Manchester where patients are treated in this way.