Tiugh agus Tana
Kit and Pup are investigating the world of opposites. Today it's thick and thin.
Thugainn a’ rannsachadh còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag & Cuilean ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn Tiugh agus Tana. Tha iad a’ tòiseachadh an cuid rannsachaidh le bhith peantadh. Tha Cuilean a’ peantadh loidhichean tana le bruis-pheant agus tha Piseag a’ peantadh loidhnichean tiugh le bruis mhòr leathainn. An uair sin, tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ lorg diofar rudan tiugh agus tana. Le cuideachadh bho luchd-rannsachaidh òga, tha Piseag & Cuilean cuideachd a’ roinn nithean tiugh agus tana ann am buidhnean air leth. Am measg a’ bheothachaidh, tha grunn leabhraichean a’ dol ann an òrdugh, bho thiugh gu tana.
Let’s find out about the world with Kit and Pup! Kit and Pup explore the opposites thick and thin. They start by painting. Pup is painting very neat thin lines with a paint brush and Kit is painting messy thick lines with a wide decorator's brush. Kit and Pup then try and find as many thick and thin objects as they can. In the live-action investigation, Kit and Pup help the little investigators sort thick and thin objects. And in the stop-motion moment, a row of books orders itself from thick to thin.
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