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Episode 6 of 12
Dodgy, aig Belladrum. Am measg nan òran, So Let Me Go Far agus If You’re Thinking of Me. Dodgy, from Belladrum 2019. Includes hits So Let Me Go Far and If You’re Thinking of Me.
Taghadh den chuid as fheà rr bhon chuirm aig a’ chòmhlan Dodgy, aig Fèis Chiùil Belladrum san Lùnastail 2019. Bidh am prògram a’ gabhail a-steach seachd dhe na h-òrain aca, agus nam measg sin bidh, So Let Me Go Far agus If You’re Thinking of Me.
Highlights from the concert set by festival favourites, the rock band Dodgy, recorded at Belladrum Music Festival, August 2019.The programme features seven songs from the popular rockers, including hits So Let Me Go Far and If You’re Thinking of Me.
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