Episode 2
Young humanitarian Gemma Steele's special relationship with Kenya.
Tha dlùth-dhà imh air a bhith aig an tè òg, Gemma Steele, a choisinn duaisean airson a h-obair daonnachd, le Ceinia fad greis a-nise, agus thog i dachaigh dhilleachdain, St Jerome’s, an sin ann an 2014. Às dèidh pòsadh aig an taigh ann an Uibhist a Deas aig deireadh 2018, chaidh i fhèin agus an duin’ aice, Shaun MacFhionghain, air turas sònraichte aig toiseach 2019 airson beannachadh pòsaidh le a teaghlach eile ann an Ceinia.
Anns an dà rna prògram de 2, Am Pòsadh Afraganach, tha a’ bhuidheann à Uibhist a’ dol air turas chun a’ phà irce fiadh-bheatha nà darra ainmeil, am Maasai Mara, far a bheilear an dòchas sealladh fhaighinn dhen phrìomh 5 – an ailbhean, an leòmhann, an buabhall, an liopard, agus an t-sròn-adharcach. Ach tha duilghdeasan siubhail a’ cur bacadh orra. Air ais aig St. Jerome’s, tha tiodhlac bho na h-eileanan a’ toirt toileachas dha deagh sheann charaid, agus tha spiorad Afraga a’ tighinn beò, agus an teaghlach à Ceinia agus à Alba a’ dèanamh gà irdeachais air là mòr Gemma agus Shaun.
Award-winning, young humanitarian Gemma Steele has long had a special relationship with Kenya, and built an orphanage, St Jerome's, there in 2014. Having married at home in South Uist at the end of 2018, Gemma and her husband Shaun MacKinnon along with a group of friends and family, make a very special trip in early 2019 for a second wedding celebration with her other family in Kenya.
As well as getting ready for the wedding celebration with her two families, incorporating both the Kenyan and Scottish cultures, it’s also a chance for Gemma to see how things are going in Kenya, work which is never too far from her mind, no matter where she is.
The group from Uist head off on safari to the world-renowned game reserve, the Maasai Mara, where they hope to see the big five – the elephant, the lion, the buffalo, the leopard and the rhino. But they are hit with travel problems. A present all the way from the islands makes an old friend of Gemma’s very happy, and we see the true spirit of Africa as the Kenyan and Scottish families celebrate Gemma and Shaun's big day.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Tha an treubh Maasai a' cur fà ilte bhlà th air a' bhuidheann
Duration: 01:49
Tha a h-uile duine a' dèanamh fiughar ri là ithean an dowry
Duration: 01:50
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Emma Macinnes |
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