Episode 1
Ramsay MacMahon escapes Glasgow and travels to Shetland on the longest day of the year. Ramsay a’ teicheadh à Glaschu is a’ dol gu Sealtainn air an latha is fhaide den bhliadhna.
For Ramsay MacMahon the city is for the working week and it’s at the weekends that memories are made. The way to make sure of that is to escape for the ultimate weekend away.
This week Ramsay heads far north to Shetland on the longest day of the year. Known locally as the Simmer Dim, Shetland barely gets dark at this time of year. With this in mind he stays up late to take a night-time trip to the island of Mousa to experience a wildlife phenomenon – flocks of storm petrels come to nest in an ancient iron-age Broch.
Ramsay also gets to know the community. He has a knitting lesson from a local Fair Isle jumper expert and buys himself some woollies to keep him warm on the boat trip. He samples a Shetland delicacy, Reestit Mutton, and calls in on a local baker who has started a novel way of selling her cakes – from a self-service fridge by the side of the road.
Am beachd Ramsay MacMahon ‘s e am baile mòr à it’ obrach agus sann air deagh dheireadh sheachdain a chumas tu cuimhne. Nì e cinnteach às a sin le teicheadh às a bhaile gu à itichean inntinneach.
An-diugh tha e a’ dèanamh air an à ird a tuath, gu Sealtainn airson an latha is fhaide den bhliadhna: aig à m an Simmer Dim, mar a chanas iad fhèin, ‘s gann gum fàs i dorcha idir. Tha sin a’ fà gail Ramsay air a chois anmoch airson cuairt gu eilean Mousa a choimhead eachdraidh is eòin – na ceudan luaireagan a’ tighinn a neadachadh mun dùn.
Tha e a’ cur eòlas air a choimhearsnachd – le leasan fighe bho thè sgileil air geansaidhean Fair Isle – agus a’ ceannach rud no dhà a chumas blà th e san eathar. Tha e faighinn blasad de dh’fheòil chaorach ann an nòs Shealtainneach, agus a’ tadhal air bèiceir le dòigh annasach air cèicean a reic – à frids ri taobh an rathaid.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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