Aspen, Sea Buckthorn and Yan Tan Tethera
Join Mark Stephen and Euan McIlwraith for the latest outdoor activities from Shetland to the Borders, plus the key stories for those who live and work in the countryside.
Mark finds out about a study being led by the University of Stirling into how climate change is impacting our Beech Trees.
The Moredun Institute has been providing research and advice on livestock health to Scottish farmers for 100 years. We hear about the work they carry out and how they plan to mark their centenary.
And in the week that Justin Bieber announced that he is suffering from Lyme disease, Mark hears about the work herbalist Monica Widle is doing into plants that could offer relief for some sufferers.
Professor Mike Robinson, chief executive of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society looks ahead to why 2020 is a significant year for Scotland in terms of the environment.
Euan learns all about Aspen trees and why they are so important.
2020 marks the 350th anniversary of the Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh. Mark hears about their history and plans for the next year.
A new project in the Cairngorms hopes to involve the local community in saving the endangered capercaillie. Euan finds out more.
Sea Buckthorn is full of vitamins and antioxidants, perfect for starting the New Year. Mark heads to East Lothian to find out about this interesting plant.
And Euan explores the traditional way shepherds have of counting sheep.