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Episode 4

Episode 4 of 5

Tha Sweeny a’ gluasad chun na h-ath ìre leis a’ chlòimh aige. Sweeny reveals his plans to create his own Harris Tweed.

Tha an t-sreath ùr, An Lot / The Croft - mun chroitear Leòdhasach, Sweeny, agus a mhiann gus beò-shlaint’ làn-ùine a dhèanamh à croitearachd - a’ leantainn. Am-bliadhna tha Sweeny a’ gluasad chun na h-ath ìre leis a’ chlòimh aige, agus e ag amas air an Clò Hearach aige fhèin a chruthachadh. Tha e a’ tadhal air am breabadair Rebecca Hutton a tha a’ toirt a’ miann beò, agus a’ faighinn cothrom an clò aige fhighe. Tha e cuideachd air bhioran agus a gheansaidh fhèin, air fhighe bho chlòimh a chaoraich fhèin, deiseil!

Tha a’ chaoraich ga chumail a’ dol air a’ chroit cuideachd agus tha obair ris nach eil e a’ coimhead air adhart idir fainear dha le aon de na tairbh òg aige, agus tha cuideachd e a’ dèanamh air Fèill Àiteachais Cheann a Tuath na Hearadh agus e gu bhith na bhritheamh airson na cearcan agus na tunnagan – rudeigin a tha gu tur ùr dha!

Sweeny continues to strive to make a living from crofting full-time. This year Sweeny is upping the game with his wool, as he reveals his ambitious plans to create his own Harris Tweed. Weaver Rebecca Hutton shows him how it’s done, and he also has a go himself. His jumper, knitted from the wool on his own sheep, is also ready to be collected, and Sweeny is really looking forward to seeing the end result!

He’s also busy with his sheep back on the croft, and has a tough task ahead with one of his bull calves. We follow Sweeny as he heads to Harris for the North Harris Agricultural Show where he is judging the hens and the ducks – a totally new experience for him!

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Donald MacSween
