Episode 4
An treas latha de dh’ fharpais Eadar-nà iseanta nan Con-chaorach 2019, à Breichinn. Day three of the International Sheepdog Trials 2019, from Brechin.
Air an treas là de Fharpais Eadar-nà iseanta nan Con-chaorach agus an Sà r Ghaisgeach, tha Dòmhnall agus Catrìona a’ lìbhrigeadh a’ chuid as fheà rr den spà irn bhon dà rna leth den latha as cudromaiche san fharpais.
Tha am prògram mu dheireadh anns an t-sreath a’ toirt thugainn co-dhùnadh na farpais eadar-nà iseanta; an Sà r Ghaisgeach. Mar is à bhaist tha barrachd chaoraich ann agus tha an cùrsa nas motha, ach do chuid de là imhsichean chan eil an cùrsa seo coltach ri cà il a chunnaic iad cheana. Tha an t-achadh farsaing na dhùbhlan fiù ’s dha na coin as eòlaiche. Chì sinn mar a thèid le James McGee agus Ricky Hutchinson ach ’s e aon duine is aon chù a-mhà in a chuireas cùl ri Brichin leis an duais as à irde. Cuideachd, bidh sinn a’ tadhal air farpais ann an ceann a tuath an Eilein Sgitheanaich far am faigh sinn beachd air saoghal nam breitheamhan.
It’s day three of the International Sheepdog Trial and the Supreme Championship. Presenters Donald and Catriona bring the best of the action from the second half of the most important day of the competition.
The final programme of the series brings us the climax of the International competition - the Supreme Championship. As always, there are more sheep and the course gets bigger, but for some handlers this course is like nothing they’ve seen before. A colossal field with a long outrun makes this a challenge for even the most experienced of dogs. Runs from James McGee and Ricky Hutchison feature but only one man and a dog will leave Brechin with the Supreme. We also take a look at the world of the judges as we visit a trial in the north of Skye.
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Letheach slighe tron fharpais
Duration: 01:30
Saoghal nam britheamhan
Duration: 03:22
Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Catriona Macphee |
Presenter | Donald MacSween |
Executive Producer | Margaret Cameron |
Executive Producer | Alasdair MacCuish |
Producer | Duncan MacDonald |
Director | Kevin MacGuire |
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