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Celtic Connections, part four

Episode 4 of 7

Màiri Anna NicUalraig le prògram bho Celtic Connections. Mary Ann Kennedy with music from Celtic Connections.

A’ cheathramh prògram à sreath air a lìbhrigeadh le Màiri Anna NicUalraig. Chaidh Seirm | Celtic Connections a chlàradh air beulaibh luchd-èisteachd ann a dachaidh ùr, anns na h-Arches, aig àm fèis Celtic Connections anns an Fhaoilleach, 2020. Anns a’ phrògram roghainneach seo tha feadhainn den luchd-ciùil as fheàrr bhon fhèis agus bho air feadh an t-saoghal. A measg na th’againn a nochd, triùir a tha a ’ toirt ionnsaigh air seat phuirt, le dealas: Talisk; Eabhal, còmhlan a bheir togail do chruinneachadh sam bith; agus pòsadh ùr de phìobairean, Two Octaves – Malin Makes Music le Jarlath Henderson, Shona Mooney agus Ali Hutton.

The episode is presented by Mary Ann Kennedy. Filmed in a new home in Glasgow’s Arches before an audience at the Celtic Connections music festival in January 2020, this eclectic show features lively performances from the best of the festival. Appearing are a fiery trio who take on a set of tunes with gusto: Talisk; Eabhal, a band who are guaranteed to lift the spirits of any gathering; and a new band of musicians Two Octaves – Malin Makes Music with Jarlath Henderson, Shona Mooney and Ali Hutton.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

59 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Mary Ann Kennedy
Executive Producer Margaret Cameron
Executive Producer Alasdair MacCuish
Producer Iain MacLeod
Production Manager Anne Marie Breslin
