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International Friendly - Northern Ireland v Scotland
Alex O’ Henley provides commentary with a chance to relive Scotland's women footballers taking on Northern Ireland in their last game of the Pinatar Cup in Spain.
Tha Ailig O’ Henley còmhla rinn an-diugh ag aithris air a’ Chupa Phinatar, le sgioba na h-Alba a’ dol an aghaidh sgioba Èireann a Tuath anns a’ gheama mu dheireadh aca san fharpais.
Alex O’ Henley provided commentary as Scotland's women footballers took on Northern Ireland in their last game of the Pinatar Cup, which was held in March in Spain.
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Sat 27 Jun 2020
- Tue 10 Mar 2020 19:20
- Sat 27 Jun 2020 18:00