Episode 3
Teaghlach a tha air rugbaidh a thoirt chun na sgìre aca fhèin agus boireannaich Steòrnabhaigh a’ dol air turas. The Stornoway ladies embark on a journey and a rugby-loving family.
Tha Rugbaidh air sìor fhàs air feadh an t-saoghail thairis air na 20 bliadhna a chaidh seachad, agus fiù ’s ann an à iteachan air nach smaoinich thu. Ach dè tha toirt air na cluicheadairean am balla sònraichte seo a thogail?
Tha an t-sreath seo de chòig phrògraman a’ leantainn cluicheadairean ùr rugbaidh à Alba agus Èirinn, le cuid aig ìre tòiseachaidh agus cuid eile aig ìre proifeiseanta, a’ strì airson soirbheachadh agus a’ phrìomh amas, a dhol thar na loidhne. Tha sinn a’ faicinn a h-uile pà irt dhen ghèam – am buannachadh, an trèanadh, na leòintean, agus am briseadh cridhe a tha an lùib a bhith call.
Anns an treas prògram de Thar na Loidhne, tha sinn a’ coinneachadh teaghlach a tha gu math dèidheil air rugbaidh agus a thug an gèam chun na sgìre bhig aca fhèin, leis a’ bhalach as sine aca a’ dèanamh ainm dha fhèin san spòrs. Tha boireannaich Steòrnabhaigh a’ dol air turas airson gèam sònraichte a chluich an aghaidh sgioba Hunndaidh, agus gheibh sinn a-mach mu ciamar a tha dol dha Joe Dunleavy a tha a’ cluich do sgioba Ulaidh.
Rugby has seen huge worldwide growth in the past 20 years, particularly in areas you’d least expect. But what is it that motivates players to pick up the oval ball?
This series follows up-and-coming rugby players based in Scotland and Ireland, from grass roots to professional level, as they strive for success and the ultimate goal of crossing the line. We see all aspects of the game - the highs of winning, the training, the injuries, and the heartbreak of defeat.
In the third episode, we meet a rugby-loving family who have introduced the game to their own little community, with their eldest son now making a name for himself playing the sport. The Stornoway ladies embark on a journey to play a season-defining game against Huntly and we catch up with Ulster player Joe Dunleavy.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
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Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Catriona Lexy Campbell |
Director | Ross Macleod |
Executive Producer | Seumas Mactaggart |
Executive Producer | Margaret Cameron |
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