That’s the Way We Do It!
Peat & Diesel a’ toirt buaidh mhòr air saoghal ceòl Gà idhealach. Peat & Diesel take the Highland music scene by storm.
Tha rud ris an cainnte ‘Peatlemania’ air grèim fhaighinn air an dùthaich air fad. Tha an t-iasgair, Calum ‘Boydie’ Macleòid, an neach-dealain, Innes Scott, agus an drà ibhear, Uilleam ‘Uilly’ Macleòid còmhla aithnichte mar Peat & Diesel air buaidh mhòr a thoirt air saoghal ceòl Gà idhealach, is iad a’ glacadh aire na dùthcha tron cheòl tharraingeach aca agus an sgeulachdan sònraichte mu bheatha an eilein.
Tha sinn a’ leantainn an còmhlain air an turas aca, is iad a’ cosnadh ainm dhaibh pèin, aig fèisean agus air à rd-ùrlaran air feadh na dùthcha, ag ionnsachadh mu dè tha toirt orra a bhith a’ cluich an cuid ciùil, agus mu ciamar a tha iad a’ dèiligeadh ris a’ chliù agus ri na h- iarrtasan a tha an lùib beatha an sàs ann an roc agus roll. Cuide ri bhith air an rathad leis a’ chòmhlan, tha sinn a’ cur seachad ùine còmhla ri na balaich aig an taigh, airson faighinn a-mach barrachd mu cà ite dha-rìribh an do thòisich an sgeulachd acasan.
Dealbh inntinneach agus beòthail mu mar a tha triùir bhalaich à Steòrnabhagh air ainm a dhèanamh dhaibh pèin tro bhith cluich a’ chiùil air a bheil iad fhèin cho dèidheil bhon dachaigh aca ann an Eilean Leòdhais.
A phenomenon known as ‘Peatlemania’ has recently taken hold of the nation. Fisherman Calum ‘Boydie’ Macleod, electrician Innes Scott, and delivery driver Uilleam ‘Uilly’ Macleod together as Peat & Diesel have taken the Highland music scene by storm capturing the country’s imagination through their infectious music and unique tales of island life.
With exclusive behind-the-scenes access, we follow the band on their journey to stardom, performing at various venues and festivals throughout the country, learning about what inspires their music and about how they are coping with the bright lights of fame and the demands of a rock and roll lifestyle. Away from their fairytale adventure we also spend time with the boys at home to find out where their story originally began.
A fascinating and lively portrayal of how three Stornoway Coves have rocketed to fame through playing the music which they love and have been immersed in growing up on the Isle of Lewis.
In Gaelic with English subtitles
Last on
Role | Contributor |
Narrator | Domhnall Ruadh Smith |
Executive Producer | Seumas Mactaggart |
Executive Producer | Margaret Mary Murray |
Producer | David Martin |
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