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Heather Dewar visits Glasgow where she draws a colour portrait of singer Joy Dunlop. Tha Fraoch Nic an Deòir an Glaschu a’dèanamh dealbh dathte an t-seinneadair Joy Dunlop.

Combining the role of artist and interviewer, Islay-born artist Heather Dewar creates colour portraits of well-known Gaels, while teasing out of them every little detail of their life story!

Heather’s ‘subject’ is singer and step-dancer Joy Dunlop. Joy’s passion for music developed into an enthusiasm for the Gaelic language and culture that produced many of her favourite songs. Since learning the language, she’s worked tirelessly to encourage its use in everyday life.

Tha an t-ealanaiche Fraoch Nic an Deòir à Ìle air ais le sreath ùr de Dhealbhan Fraoich. A’ tarraing is a’ còmhradh, nì i dealbhan dathte de Ghàidheil air a bheil sinn eòlach – a’ tarraing asda a h-uile criomag eachdraidh-beatha!

Sa phrògram seo tha Fraoch a’tachairt air deagh sheinneadair a tha cuideachd math air dannsa ceum, Joy Dunlop. Se cho dèidheil sa bha Joy air seinn a tharraing i gu ùidh anns a’Ghàidhlig agus sa chultur as an tàinig na h-òrain a bha a’còrdadh cho math rithe. On a dh’ionnsaich i a’chànan tha i air a bhi a saothrachadh gu làidir gus a bhrosnachadh nar beatha làitheil.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Heather Dewar
Interviewed Guest Joy Dunlop
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Editor Margaret Morrison
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Producer Peter Macqueen
Director Faye MacLean
