Episode 10
Iona Whye and Calum Bayer discuss books of special interest to them.
Anns a' phrògram mu dheireadh san t-sreath, bidh Anna Nicleòid a’ còmhradh ri Iona Nic Ille Bhà in agus Calum Bayer mu dheidhinn nan leabhraichean as fheà rr leothasan. Eatorra, tha iad air roinnean ficsean, feallsanachd agus fìrinn a thaghadh. Buinidh Iona do Ghlaschu far a bheil I ag obair agus ag ionnsachadh a bhith na neach-lagha. Thagh I This is Going to Hurt le Adam Kay agus The History of Bees a chaidh a sgrìobhadh le Maja Lunde a’ coimhead air an cà irdeas eadar clann-daonna agus nà dar.
Rugadh agus thogadh Calum ann an Cologne sa Ghearmailt ach tha e a-nis a’ fuireach ann an Obar Dheathain. ‘S e An Creanaiche le Ruairidh MacIlleathain a’ chiad leabhar a tha Calum a’ moladh, mu dheidhinn co-fheall murt a’ Cheanadaich (JFK). Thagh e cuideachd leabhar a sgrìobh an diadhair David Bentley Hart, That All Shall be Saved. Aig deireadh a’ phrògram, bidh Iona agus Calum ag innse dè an leabhar ‘s fheà rr leotha a-mach às na ceithir a bha iad a’ moladh.
Anna Macleod chats with Iona Whye and Calum Bayer about books of special interest to them, with their choices including fiction, philosophy and non-fiction.
Iona lives and works in Glasgow and is currently training to become a lawyer. The first book that she recommends is This is Going to Hurt, written by Adam Kay. She also selects The History of Bees, by Maja, Lunde which explores the relationship between humanity and nature.
Calum was born and raised in Cologne but now lives and works in Aberdeen. His first choice is An Creanaiche (The Sufferer), written by Gaelic writer and broadcaster Ruairidh Maclean about the intrigue surrounding the assassination of John F Kennedy. His second recommendation is That All Shall be Saved, written by theologian and philosopher David Bentley Hart, one of the most provocative and admired writers on religion today.
At the end of the show, each guest is tasked with choosing which of the four books they would like to take home with them.
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Role | Contributor |
Presenter | Anna Macleod |
Executive Producer | JJ MacIsaac |
Producer | Rebecca MacLennan |
Director | John Smith |
Production Manager | Mairi Mackinnon |
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