Episode 1
Russian drama set in the 60s during the Khrushchev era and at the height of the Cold War. Drà ma Ruiseanach stèidhte sna 60an ri linn Khrushchev aig à rd-ìre a’ Chogaidh Fhuair.
Russian drama set in the 60s during the Khrushchev era and at the height of the Cold War. The series starts with the arrival at the Strategic Analysis Group (SAG) of Grigory Birukov, brought in over the department head and founder, Ruta Blaumane. Grigory’s arrival unsettles the young team.
Drà ma Ruiseanach stèidhte sna 60an ri linn Khrushchev aig à rd-ìre a’ Chogaidh Fhuair. Tha an t-sreath a’ tòiseachadh le Grigory Birukov a’ tighinn dhan Roinn Fiosrachaidh is Sgrùdaidh os cionn an tè a chruthaich na roinne, Ruta Blaumane. Tha Grigory agus na planaichean aige a’ fà gail an sgioba òg iomagaineach.
In Russian with English Subtitles
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