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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 6

Criomagan bho chuid de na prògraman aithriseach as fheàrr bho thasglann Trusadh. Highlights from some of the best documentaries from the Trusadh archive.

Thairis air na bliadhnaichean tha an t-sreath de phrògraman aithriseach Trusadh air sealltainn ri iomadach cuspair a tha a’ bualadh air beatha nan Gàidheal agus luchd-labhairt na Gàidhlig air feadh an t-saoghail. Bho chuspairean ceangailte ri eachdraidh, dualchas, cànan, an àrainneachd agus cultar, tha Trusadh air a rannsachadh. Mar sin, tha sinn a’ toirt sùil air ais air criomagan bho chuid de na prògraman as fheàrr bhon tasglann thairis air dusan bliadhna.
Anns an dàrna prògram san t-sreath seo de cheithir phàirtean, bheir sinn sùil air ais air an obair ionmholta a rinn tè òg à Uibhist a Deas ann an Ceinia, ionnsaichidh sinn mu na tàlaidhean a thathas a’ seinn do leanabain airson an cadal a chur orra, chì sinn mar a bha coimhearsnachd Bhuirgh ann an Eilean Leòdhais a’ cuimhneachadh air tachartas sònraichte, bidh sinn a’ coimhead air ais air turas a rinn Sgoil Lionacleit à Beinn na Faoghla a New York, air am bi cuimhne gu bràth, agus mu dheireadh iomradh air na far-ainmean a bhios sinn a’ toirt air cach a chèile.

Criomagan air an toirt còmhla bho chruinneachadh iongantach de sgeulachdan làidir agus eadar-dhealaichte bho air feadh Alba agus an t-saoghail, air innse tro shùilean measgachadh de luchd-agallaimh air leth.

Throughout the years, the factual documentary strand Trusadh has looked at many subjects that affect the lives of Gaels and Gaelic speakers all over the world. From themes relating to history, heritage, language, the environment and culture, Trusadh has covered it. For that reason, we are taking a look back at highlights from some of the best documentaries in the archive spanning the past 12 years.

In episode two, a look at the exceptional work carried out in Kenya by a young girl from South Uist, we learn about lullabies sung to children, a trip down memory lane about the community of Borve in the Isle of Lewis commemorating an unforgettable event, we remember a very special trip that Liniclate School from Benbecula embarked on to New York, and finally some interesting descriptions of the various nicknames people have given to each other.

A nostalgic look back at a wonderfully diverse collection of strong factual stories from all over Scotland and the world, told through the eyes of engaging contributors from all walks of life.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
