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Ceòl is duaisean bho Thalla Laoich nan Trads 2020, ann an cuideachd Joy Dunlop. Music and awards from the Trads Hall of Fame 2020. Hosted by Joy Dunlop.
Joy Dunlop a’ toirt thugainn ceòl agus molaidhean air na rionnagan ciùil a thèid a ghairm mar bhuill de Thalla Laoich Ceòl Traidiseanta na h-Alba. A’ gabhail pà irt bidh The Old Blind Dogs, Jim Malcolm, Maighread Stiùbhart agus Gary West le Anna Massie ’s a còmhlan. Joy Dunlop presents music and tributes to those musical stars being inducted into the Trads Hall of Fame. Performances from The Old Blind Dogs, Jim Malcolm, Margaret Stewart and Gary West with Anna Massie and her band.
Last on
Fri 11 Dec 2020
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- Fri 11 Dec 2020 21:00