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Episode 2

Episode 2 of 6

It's early spring and seeds have sprouted, the greenhouse goes up and Peter gets seed potatoes. Tràth san Earrach, sìol a’fàs, taigh-glainne an àird agus gheibh Pàdruig sìol bhuntàta.

Gàrradh Phàdruig follows the progress of a keen newbie gardener Peter MacQueen. He sets about transforming his back garden in the heart of Glasgow from a messy, neglected disaster zone to productive - and aesthetically pleasing - outdoor space.

We rejoin Peter and Seòras in the garden where they are busy with early spring jobs. The seeds in the window have sprouted and so Peter starts building the greenhouse which is not without its challenges; fiddly parts, missing instructions, hailstones and smashed glass - what a pane! Peter plants more seeds in trays, in time for the growing season. At Glasgow’s Potato Day, Peter meets Alasdair MacDonald from North Uist who helps him select varieties of potatoes.

The series is filmed across a season, from January to October. Seòras the dog is with Peter all of the time - Westies love to get their paws dirty!

Tha’n t-sreath seo, Gàrradh Phàdruig, a’tighinn bhon ghàrradh aig Pàdruig MacCuinn – nach do chuir làmh riamh roimhe air, thuige seo. Ach tha làn duil aige an gàrradh-cùil am meadhan Ghlaschu, bùrach robach fàs, ùrachadh gu bhi na lios torrach, brèagha sam bi e tlachdmhor ùine chur seachad.

San dara prògram tha Pàdruig is Seòras trang le obair an earraich. Tha an t-sìol a bh’aige san uinneag a’tighinn troimhe agus feumaidh e an taigh-ghlainne a thogail, is chan ann gun àmhghair: clachan meallain, gaoth, pìosan a dhìth agus glainne briste – obh obh. Aig Latha Bhuntàta Ghlaschu cuidichidh Alasdair Dòmhnallach a Uibhist a Tuath e, a’taghadh sìol bhuntàta.

Tha an t-sreath sgaoilte thar trì ràithean, bhon Fhaoilleach chun an Damhair. Tha Seòras an cù an còmhnaidh deiseil Pàdruig a’ chuideachadh – ‘sann a tha spògan salach a’còrdadh math ri abhagan!

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

17 days left to watch

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Interviewed Guest Alasdair Macdonald
Presenter Peter Macqueen
Editor Craig Nicol
Editor Chas Chalmers
Production Manager Sajid Quayum
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Director Peter Macqueen
Producer Peter Macqueen
