Ceannard pròiseact Distant Voices a' bruidhinn ri Rachel
Òran na seachdain bho Eleanor Hickey agus an t-òran ùr aice, Living. Single of the week is Eleanor Hickey's new single, Living.
Clà r na seachdain bhon phròiseact Distant Voices agus an clà r ùr aca, Looking At Colours Again. Pròiseact inntinneach a tha a' toirt dhaoine a th' air a bhith an luib eucoir, air eucoir fhulang, neo a th' air a bhith ag obair le eucoraich còmhla airson obrachadh le luchd-ciùil agus clà r a chruthachadh. Bidh ceannard a' phròiseact, Louis Abbott, ag innse dha Rachel beagan a bharrachd mu dheidhinn agus cluinnear trì òrain bhon chlà r sgoinneil seo. Taghadh de dh’ òrain ùra bho ´óÏó´«Ã½ Music Introducing ri thighinn cuideachd.
Our album of the week is the Distant Voices Project with their brand new EP, Looking At Colours Again. Distant Voices brings together people who have first-hand experience of the criminal justice system with some of Scotland’s best contemporary songwriters. Project lead Louis Abbott chats to Rachel about this very interesting project and we hear 3 tracks from this brilliant EP. A pick of new releases from the ´óÏó´«Ã½ Music Introducing Uploader also features.
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- Mon 22 Feb 2021 19:00´óÏó´«Ã½ Radio nan Gà idheal